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World Cup silver medal for Mo!

World Cup silver medal for Mo!

Ginny Stewart3 Nov 2022 - 10:05
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What an experience - what memories!  One Mo will remember for ever.  

The Masters' Hockey World Cup is the first ever to include the women’s over 65s age classification.  What better place to take part in this event but in beautiful Cape Town, South Africa.  The Opening Ceremony included all the other age groups from Scotland so joining Mo’s team were the O45s, O50s, O55s, O60s and these teams also included several other players from the Borders.  Two men’s teams - O50s and O55s were also representing Scotland and paraded in their tartan kilts adding to the colour and excitement on the march along the waterfront.   In addition to the singing and dancing our teams certainly entertained the crowds lining the route.

Mo attended more squad training sessions this year than ever in preparation of the World Cup with new coach John Dewar from Aucherarder.  The increased training & coaching certainly helped the whole squad to up their game with respect to both fitness and hockey intelligence - did this make a difference?  Absolutely and greatly contributed to their critical 1-0 win in the elimination game against a very determined & defensively well-organised United States of America side.  Scotland dominated the USA half and eventually took one of their chances to score the only goal of the game to qualify them for the final against England. 

The final against England was held on the last Monday morning of the event.   Not starting with the strongest 11 was Scotland’s downfall.  They were immediately on the back foot and England clinically exploited weakness and disarray in the Scots’ defence, who conceded 2 goals in the first quarter.  Tactical personnel changes during the second quarter transformed things dramatically, with truly end to end play and as a result the Scotland defence stepped up with confidence, taking the game to England, with marauding runs deep into the England defence.  Despite penalty corners and numerous incursions into the England shooting circle and near misses from Mo, unfortunately goals were not forthcoming.  The England ladies knew, however, that they had been in both an even and competitive game, as they simply could not breakdown the Scots defence and score again.   Final score 2-0 to England.
A proud Scotland team, but tinged heavily with disappointment at what might have been.  At the end of the day, however, it was still a silver medal and our best EVER result against England.

The squad includes four players aged 70 years and above.  A great inspiration to Mo and hopefully to you too - age is no barrier to playing hockey.  The most mature player in the squad is ex-Scottish international Winifred MacCallum aged 75.  To play alongside her is an amazing experience.  She still has fantastic skills, vision & positioning & really gets herself around the pitch. Her help & advice to Mo & the whole team is most welcome.  The other ex-Scottish international player & vice-captain is Maggie McLellan again hugely important to the squad & supports Charlotte Barrett, the Captain.  Charlotte, a fellow borders player, is a key player in the squad - a strong skilful defender and very proud to wear the captain’s arm band. 

Captain Charlotte presented Mo with a signed pennant on behalf of the squad for her efforts & contribution to all the games during the tournament, something she will also treasure along with her medal. 

Mo will be going forward for trials in November and December hoping to be selected for the Scotland team for 2023.  24 players have already registered to trial, therefore it’s important to her to be in the final 16 squad.  She would not want to miss out on a very exciting year ahead with trips/tournaments to Holland, Durham, Nottingham and Valencia in Spain for the European Championships.   Playing for Kelso 2s plays a very important part in her preparations by keeping fit and learning new skills and to keep Mo’s hopes alive of selection.   Mo is also a member of the Scottish Thistles team who attended a tournament in Barcelona in July so all the additional games contributed to her fitness etc.  Hopefully the Thistles will also have some exciting events to enter in 2023.  Even at this “mature” age hockey has still some very exciting times ahead.  Mo would like to express her sincere thanks to everyone for their continued support. 

Well done Mo!

More photos of Mo's experience in South Africa are on our website:

Further reading